VueJS Plugins Examples

Some VueJS plugins examples ad-hoc designed on the default BIMData basic plugins.

Pick stratigraphic units in order to annotate archaeological units on the model; Isolate Elements for graphically quarying objects and their classification; Modals for the purpose of adding information via pop-up windows.

Pick Stratigraphic Units

viewer.registerPlugins([{ name: "Pick Stratigraphic units", component: { template: ` <div style="width: 225px"> <h4>Pick stratigraphic units</h4> <select v-model="priority" style="width: 100%; height: 30px"> &nbsp <option disabled value="">Stratigraphic Units</option> &nbsp <option value="low">US</option> <option value="medium">USR</option> <option value="high">USM</option> </select> <input type="text" v-model="index" style="text-align: center; height: 30px"> &nbsp <button @click="onLink_0Click" class="btn2-group" style="height:30px">Help</button> &nbsp <button @click="onLink_1Click" class="btn2-group" style="height:30px">Remove selected unit</button> &nbsp <button @click="onLink_2Click" class="btn2-group" style="height:30px">Remove all units</button> </div> `, data() { return { priority: "", pickSubscription: null, index: 1 }; }, methods: { onLink_0Click() { this.$plugins.modalManager.pushModal({ template: ` <div style="margin:50px; width: 800px"> <h2 style="text-align: justify">Pick stratigraphic units - help</h2> <p>1) Select stratigraphic units typology and units number</p> <p>2) Pick units on highlight object of the model</p> <p>3) Picked units will appear on the objects center of mass</p> &nbsp <p>- Press "Remove selected units" button in order to delete selected unit (object must be selected)</p> <p>- Press "Remove all units" button in order to delete ALL units</p> &nbsp <h3 style="text-align: justify">ATTENTION!</h3> <p>This tool has no memory and then no save option! Once you finished picking units you can save a screeshot</p> </div>` }) }, onLink_1Click() { this.$hub.emit("delete-annotations", { ids: this.$utils.getSelectedObjectIds() }); }, onLink_2Click() { this.$hub.emit("clear-annotations") }, }, props: ["active"], watch: { active: { handler(active) { const viewer3D = this.$plugins.viewer3D; viewer3D.selectOnClick = !active; // viewer3D.highlightOnHover = !active; // To remove the highlight on hover if (active) { document.body.style.setProperty("cursor", "copy", "important"); this.pickSubscription = viewer3D.xeokit.cameraControl.on( "picked", pickResult => { if (!this.priority) { return this.$hub.emit('alert', { type: 'warning', message: 'Please select a stratigraphic units typology' }); } if (!pickResult || !pickResult.entity) return; this.$hub.emit("create-annotations", { ids: [pickResult.entity.id], index: this.index, priority: this.priority }); } ); } } } } }, display: { iconPosition: "left", content: "simple" }, icon: { imgUri: 'https://img.icons8.com/ios-filled/35/000000/circled-dot.png' }, keepActive: true, tooltip: "stratigraphic.tooltip", i18n: { en: { stratigraphic: { tooltip: "Pick Stratigraphic Units", } } }, }])

Isolate Elements

viewer.registerPlugins([{ name: "Isolate Elements", component: { template: ` <div style="width:230px" class="btn-group"> <button @click="onIsolateWallsClick">Walls</button> <button @click="onIsolateColumnsClick">Columns</button> <button @click="onIsolateFootingsClick">Footings</button> <button @click="onIsolateWindowsClick">Windows</button> <button @click="onIsolateBeamsClick">Beams</button> <button @click="onIsolateSlabClick">Slabs</button> <button @click="onIsolateStairsClick">Stairs</button> <button @click="onIsolateDoorsClick">Doors</button> <button @click="onIsolateFurnituresClick">Furnitures</button> <button @click="onIsolateElementClick">Building Element</button> <button @click="onIsolateRoofClick">Roof</button> <button @click="onUnisolateClick" style="background-color: #ececec">Reset scene</button> </div>`, methods: { onIsolateWallsClick() { this.$hub.emit("isolate-objects", { ids: this.$utils.getAllObjectsOfType("wall") .map(object => object.uuid) }); }, onIsolateColumnsClick() { this.$hub.emit("isolate-objects", { ids: this.$utils.getAllObjectsOfType("column") .map(object => object.uuid) }); }, onIsolateFootingsClick() { this.$hub.emit("isolate-objects", { ids: this.$utils.getAllObjectsOfType("footing") .map(object => object.uuid) }); }, onIsolateBeamsClick() { this.$hub.emit("isolate-objects", { ids: this.$utils.getAllObjectsOfType("beam") .map(object => object.uuid) }); }, onIsolateSlabClick() { this.$hub.emit("isolate-objects", { ids: this.$utils.getAllObjectsOfType("slab") .map(object => object.uuid) }); }, onIsolateStairsClick() { this.$hub.emit("isolate-objects", { ids: this.$utils.getAllObjectsOfType("stair") .map(object => object.uuid) }); }, onIsolateDoorsClick() { this.$hub.emit("isolate-objects", { ids: this.$utils.getAllObjectsOfType("door") .map(object => object.uuid) }); }, onIsolateFurnituresClick() { this.$hub.emit("isolate-objects", { ids: this.$utils.getAllObjectsOfType("furnishing_element") .map(object => object.uuid) }); }, onIsolateElementClick() { this.$hub.emit("isolate-objects", { ids: this.$utils.getAllObjectsOfType("building_element") .map(object => object.uuid) }); }, onIsolateWindowsClick() { this.$hub.emit("isolate-objects", { ids: this.$utils.getAllObjectsOfType("window") .map(object => object.uuid) }); }, onIsolateRoofClick() { this.$hub.emit("isolate-objects", { ids: this.$utils.getAllObjectsOfType("roof") .map(object => object.uuid) }); }, onUnisolateClick() { this.$hub.emit("unisolate-all-objects"); } } }, display: { iconPosition: 'left', content: 'simple' }, icon: { imgUri: 'https://img.icons8.com/ios-filled/35/000000/select-cell.png', }, keepActive: true, tooltip: "myCustomPlugin.tooltip", i18n: { en: { myCustomPlugin: { tooltip: "Isolate Elements", } }, } }]);


viewer.registerPlugins([{ name: "modals", component: { render() { return null; }, created() { this.$plugins.modalManager.pushModal({ template: ` <div style="margin:70px; width: 280px; text-align: center"> <h1>SAMPLE TITLE</h1> <a>SAMPLE SUB TITLE</a> </div>` }); }, }, }]);